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Cellular PSP and Diabetes

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

Article By: Dr. Howard Peiper

There is an epidemic sweeping this country with more than 17 million victims at last count. The disorder? The medical/pharmaceutical industry calls this “diabetes.” Diabetes is not a disease in the classic sense. You can’t “catch it”. It’s a metabolic disorder. In recent years there has been a disturbing growth of this disorder among young adolescents. In the last twenty years there have been more deaths from diabetes than all the deaths from the world’s wars in the last one hundred years. And so many children are now developing Type-2 Diabetes, that the term adult-onset diabetes is becoming obsolete. According to an article in Newsweek magazine, diabetes is being hailed as “the next great lifestyle disease epidemic.” Diagnosed cases increased by a third between 1990 and 1998 with a seventy percent increase among people in their thirties. It is no longer a disease of the aging.

We develop diabetes when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or can’t correctly use the insulin the body does make. Insulin is the key hormone that helps in regulating glucose levels. If glucose levels rise too high or too low, critical problems can develop. The body’s ability to maintain this delicate balancing act can be affected by what we eat and don’t eat.

Sugar molecules in the blood stream are the primary source of energy for muscle and nerve cells. With diabetes the body can no longer metabolize these molecules. Blood glucose rises up to three times the normal level taxing the kidneys as they try to eliminate the excess glucose from the blood stream.

The American Diabetes Association stresses that over time; high blood sugar levels can damage both blood vessels and nerves. This may result in inadequate blood flow to the hands and feet as well as the legs, arms and especially the vital organs. Poor blood flow to these areas increases one’s risk of infections, heart problems, stroke, blindness, and cancer and kidney disease. Diabetic men have double the risk of heart disease and women have four times the normal rate.

With blood vessel and nerve damage to the extremities diabetics might lose feeling in their feet or have increased pain in their feet and legs. Without sensation they would be vulnerable to even the most minor injury, which could lead to serious infection and ultimately, amputation.

Damage to blood vessels and nerves may also lead to sexual dysfunction; problems that are difficult to treat and may require surgery, often an unattractive, ablative option. For all these reasons, life with sugar is not merely “a piece of cake” as the sugar industry would have you believe but rather a game of Russian Roulette. Which healthy function will be the first to go?

The good news is that many diabetics may treat their conditions through diet alone. The ADA states that Type-2 diabetics who have been on medication for their diabetes may go off this medication with a program of proper exercise and diet if some insulin productions still exists.

Now there is an extraordinary form of a whole food complex called polysaccharidepeptide or PSP. Cellular PSP works at the cellular and molecular level providing each and every cell with the energy it needs to metabolize glucose get rid of toxins and waste products, and repair itself. The molecular structure of these polysaccharidepeptides allows for improved absorption and assimilation of glucose through direct absorption into the cell. Every cell needs energy in the form of ATP (adenoise-tri-phosphate). The mitochondria, the cell’s powerhouse, convert the ATP into energy. PSP helps keep the glucose-energy metabolism system finely tuned. This dramatically decreases the workload of the liver by enhancing direct absorption of glucose. That means our body doesn’t release as much insulin and reduces the risk of a host of metabolic disorders, including diabetes.

The high-tech society we live in has done a fabulous job of interfering with normal cell function. The foods we eat are tainted with pesticides and chemicals that impede optimal cell function. PSP works at the cellular level to clear out toxins and improve glucose absorption. The end result is more energy for you and I and a balanced metabolism.


  1. More hungry or thirsty than usual

  2. Dry mouth, dry painful eye

  3. More frequent urination

  4. Must get up at night to go to the bathroom

  5. Tired, sleepy, or no energy

  6. Sensitivity to light, seeing halos when looking at lights

  7. Double vision (due to nerve damage within the eyes)

  8. Easily agitated, quick to anger

  9. Cold extremities (arms, fingers, toes), chills, hot flashes

  10. May have acute sensitivity to sound

  11. A buzzing sensation, especially in the midsection

  12. Frequent infections

  13. Sores that won’t heal

If you have checked several of these symptoms and suspect that you may be

diabetic, see a physician immediately.

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